Ford Focus ST 2020 long-term review

Опубликованно 20.08.2020 06:20

Ford Focus ST 2020 long-term review

Why we’re running it: In the absence of a new RS, is the latest Focus ST good enough to be considered a credible flagship fast Ford hatchback?

Month 2 -   Month 1   -   Specs

Life with a Ford Focus ST: Month 2

A leak that wasn’t - 29 July 2020

It was a colleague who alerted me to a steady drip of water from the Focus’s rear exhaust box. Even I know that’s not a particularly good sign. Water is meant to circulate the engine, not travel through it and exit via the pipes. Happily, as soon as the engine was warm, the drip stopped. Condensation in the pipe – no more, no less. And I breathe again.

Mileage: 1311

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